You better watch your back, because i'lll be chewing on it

Age 28, Male

Scotland, United Kingdom

Joined on 6/22/08

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2,090 / 2,180
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5.63 votes
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XXBlinx's News

Posted by XXBlinx - November 15th, 2010

I was looking at Black Ops Zombies videos on youtube and I found this video which shows you how to get all the black ops zombies maps for FREE so I thought i would tell everyone.
Here is the code for the computer if want to know again '3ARC UNLOCK'.

/* */

Posted by XXBlinx - November 7th, 2010

1.I have decided to finish that madness project i was doing called 'The Plague of Madness' because i had spent a lot of time already on it so i didn't want to have that time been wasted, and that is like 75% done.

2. And yes i am still doing the Little Town movie but i am not gonna do any more untill The Plague of Madness is released because i really want that out of the way.

3. I started a part for Clatform's collab today with a new syle of madness i had never done before


Posted by XXBlinx - October 10th, 2010

Just finished drawing Susan Boyle and Tinie Tempah
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/51 e9d1b4500500c3963d507c2c5e416c

Right now i am at a weird animating phase i can't decide what to animate. First I got board with madness collabs because there getting really boring so I started a madness solo project which is on the last post. The project is going well and is about 1/4 done.
One night I was board and made some random sprites, and then animated them for fun. It became a random animation to a serious piece of work quickly and now I am gonna finish it.
Here are the voice actors so far:

Started ANOTHER animation

Posted by XXBlinx - October 3rd, 2010

Recently i have got really board with madness collabs since i have now been in quite a few so I have started a solo project. I have been working on it for the last 2 weeks so it is now at around 1200 frames and I am hoping to make it at least 2 minutes. But I am a little worried that the file might get to big because I am useing detailed characters so i am making each scene in a different document.
The story is basically the about the Devil sends a plague to earth that infects humans and turns them into the Devil's minions.

My solo project

Posted by XXBlinx - September 26th, 2010

EDIT 2: Lethiferous go added to the madness day collection and got daily second :D
EDIT 1: Madness Lethiferous has been released go watch it now and vote 5! http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

It is finally done! I had to download CS4 and finish it because CS5 (the worst programme ever messed up the file. To be honest CS5 is the horriblest thing ever, it first messed up sounds and then it started deleting parts and then it decided to corrupt itself many times.
But don't worry about that because the collab has been finished on Cs4 and will be submitted on a good day because today had many good submissions with 4.00+

Posted by XXBlinx - September 19th, 2010

The collab is so nearly finished but the file is just got too big that it can't be worked on. It only neads a few hours work and then it can be uploaded so i am gonna go to my dads house on saturday who has a super computer which is extremely fast. Also 1 of the main problems in CS5 so i am now suing CS4 which does have as much bugs

Just in case you wanted to know the members and parts here they are
1. Zunder---parts done 3
2. XXBlinx---parts done 1
3. DIMB---parts done 2
4. Raptorsend---parts done 1
5. Gabrielbarsch---parts done 2
6. Sundown345---parts done 1
7. Ernestogod---parts done 2
8. xcooldude30x---parts done 1
9. Kingapple---parts done 2
10. Iconicstemage---parts done 1


Posted by XXBlinx - September 10th, 2010

Yeah! Madness Inflammation is out so I now have 3 daily forth place awards

Also my project is being put on hold untill after MD because I have to get collabs parts and lethiferous done

The lethiferious collab is coming along nicely I have just added 3 parts to the collab file :D So expect to see this released before madness day. And I am not like zunder because I keep to my word about release dates.
Collab runtime: 3.30 minutes

Lethiferous collab going well

Posted by XXBlinx - August 18th, 2010

Madness Discombobulated (New Project I have started)
I have started a new project with Zunder, DIMB, MissingUsername, Clatform and Wyvernhunt. And hopefully this shouldn't take too long because Clatform has done the first part!!!!!!!!!

Madness Lethiferious 11/16 parts in the collab file
Lazy zunder isn't giving me the Fla so he is delaying his collab even longer :(

Vogxhamrak's Collab: 1/2 parts done
Dunso's Collab: 2/2 parts done
Clatform's Collab: 2/2 parts done
Zunder's Collab: 2/2 parts done
My Collab Madness Diverse: 3/3 parts done

Lots of collabs and a project

Posted by XXBlinx - August 10th, 2010

THIS IS THE LAST DAY OF VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lately I have had a lot of serious newsposts about madness collabs and stuff but now I am having a fun and competative post. If you want your name on or off this list then just PM me.
There is a number next to each animators name that shows you how many votes they have.
You get 2 votes. To vote on your favourite madness animator leave a comment with your 2 favourite animators names on it.
You can't vote for yourself
You only get to comment once :)

ANIMATORS (Order from most favourite to least favourite)
Krinkels (10) SECOND PLACE
Edge0wnz (7) THIRD PLACE
Clatform (6)
Delamortes (5)
GabrielBarsch (4)
XXBlinx (3)
LittleLuckyLink (2)
JimmyDot (2)
ShinkDog (2)
XRoadKillX (2)
xcooldude30x (1)
Raptorsend (1)
Zunder (1)
vogxhamraks (1)
KingApple (1)
1337-Dawg (1)

Posted by XXBlinx - August 2nd, 2010

Right down I am extremely pleased with Madness Diverse. It got Daily Fourth Place and a great score of 3.80! (And the Daily Third Submission had only had a score of 3.83) There was a few delays with this collab but I say on behalf of all the animators in this collab "it was worth it".
Also I can't believe this collab started out being a Madness Halo project between me and fireexit but now it is so much more. And all most all of the reviews were great because the average review was 8.5. Since my first Madness Collab did so well this gives me encouragement to maybe start another Madness Collab in the future, it might be Madness Diverse 2 or a totally new collab you'll just have to wait and see :P

Madness Diverse Is a Success