You better watch your back, because i'lll be chewing on it

Age 28, Male

Scotland, United Kingdom

Joined on 6/22/08

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ye vewy cooleo

I'm crying for Zunder collab !

Where is lethiferous :'(

Why IS Madness you not get out??? Your diverse collabs i see you not make good of time hehe

I don't understand what your saying improve your English if you want to talk to me!

Seriously HappyLadyFuk, your english suck try to speak english. Chek me, i'm 14 (french canadian) and I don't wrote like that okay ?

Sorry XXblinx for this post, but this person have a baaaad english....

So it is not just me who can't understand this ladybug LOL

Hmm...So youre going to release Lethiferous and not Zunder?

no zunder will upload the collab i am just helping him with it

dude is your msn address correct? I'm pretty sure there is no "hotmail.co.uk"

are you sure you don't mean "hotmail.com"?

Yes it is co.uk I have already got you added on msn
the uk but means "united kingdom"

thing is, I had to change it to .com to make it work.

also i know what co.uk means.

okay then it was just because you said "your pretty sure the uk bit was wrong"

Did you know where i can find a madness collab...or it's to late ?

Sorry all the madness collabs are filled up :( but if you asked me a month ago there was tons of collabs

awsome animation, thanks =D

Well Im glad you liked your b-day animation :D

awesome dood that animation was coolio!!!! By the way can u make me a animation with your coolest charactors in it and add some that looks like the l4d2 special infected plz?

well if you want the sprite sheet were I get all my awesome characters then go to nez-man.newgrounds.com

Happy birthday exit, again... lol

yeah it is exit's 14th birthday

shit i began the shcool today in a new school and a guy broked my padlock because it was his locker.... shit >.< , and my madness video will be longer too make because of shcool time :(

cool! and you spelled school wrong :D

when will you next be on msn ??? i have a new solo project and was wondering if you wanted to help with it ?

i will be on at about 4.30 pm

hey dude can you help me out somebody hurt by dogs foot and it looks broken so what should i do

You r such a troll! How stupid do you think I am?

every day ???

Most days

Look like crazy ! :D

Well 9 kills is my best kill streak so far in a madness part

this screen looks kinda noobish, you need a little more of training, also release yet in this week our collab...or i will kill you

the screen shot looks NOOBISH how???? And the wont be released 2morrow because zunder has only just given me the collab file now but that means I have a lot to do :(

I've waited six months for this collab to be released. So many Delays, so many deadlines.

If your the new leader, I expect you to actually work on this thing to get it out in perfect shape. Cause another delay will seriously effect everyone else in the collab.

So get it done now.

well there have been so many delays due to zunders lazyness but I have bben waiting on DIMB doing another part so DIMB is holding the collab up. And dont worry I am NOT lazy because I am in 4 collabs right now and I have done at least 1 part for each


A TRAP? Oh thanks for informing me

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